Why Students Should Start Thinking About College Sooner Than Later

Is it Too Early to Start Thinking About College?

College can sneak up on you fast! From the application deadlines to the acceptance and rejection period, all up until move-in day, there are many steps students need to be aware of and questions they will have to ask themselves leading up to graduation day. With all of that stacked on top of senior year, it should come as no surprise that students should start thinking about college sooner than later. 

The Benefits of Preparing For College Early

Depending on who you ask, some people will recommend students begin thinking about college as soon as they enter high school. While it is never too early to prepare, there can be a lot of pressure placed on students to get a jump on college ASAP. It is up to students and their families to determine what timeline works for them, however, beginning preparations in your junior year still qualifies as “early” and gives you a chance to enjoy the benefits listed below. By thinking about college early you can:

Lower Your Stress Levels

According to a survey conducted by College Data on a group of high school graduates (Class of 2024), 47% said their biggest stressor during senior year was applying to college, followed by paying for college, school/life balance, classwork, and, life after graduation. Those who completed the survey responded that applying to colleges felt like a daily stressor, mentioning the number of essays required, internal reflection, comparison to peers, and, looming application deadlines. 


While there is no way to avoid these obstacles, preparing early can help lower the stress by spreading out the college application requirements and giving students more time to reflect, respond, and still have time for activities that they enjoy. 

Increase Your Academic and Career Options

Planning for college early also gives you a chance to be strategic in your actions, which can put you in a better position to reach your academic or career goals faster. Some of these might include applying early action or early decision, getting your application to the top of the pile, having extra time to assess your skills or develop new ones, securing internships or a job, and customizing your class load, maybe adding honors courses or college-level work to your schedule. 


Although taking these steps don’t guarantee you a spot at your top university, they will help you build connections, gain flexible skills, and prepare you to reach future goals. Remember, every step you take is just a portion of the journey helping to build your future. Even college is only one portion of your story. It is up to you to decide how you want to write it. 

Get More Enjoyment Out of Your Senior Year and the Admissions Process

Another benefit to thinking about college early is the overall enjoyment you can receive from the college admissions process and your senior year. Yes, thinking about your future can be stressful, but it can also be fun! From visiting college campuses to making new friends, the admissions process has a lot to offer. Even if you don’t enjoy it as much as others, getting it over with early will allow you to focus on making the most out of your senior year experience!


Instead of a college pressure cooker, trying to finish everything in a few months, your experience can be a slow cooker, checking off tasks with plenty of time in between. Both still get the job done, but one allows you more time to focus on other things. Whether you use your extra time to take up a hobby, join a sports team, spend more time with family or friends, give back to the community, or even enjoy a nap once and while, if you are thinking about applying to college, getting a head start before your senior year is the way to go. Your future self will thank you!


AT Clackamas Middle College, we give students the tools they need to prepare for college and life after. You can get more information on how to start your college preparations early by visiting the CMC website