CMC Families,
One of the new aspects to our educational system this year during Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL), is tracking student engagement which is more of an indicator for success than absences. Because this system is new to all of us in the Clackamas Middle College Community, it is necessary to be as clear as possible and communicate our expectations. These expectations are tied to our mission/vision/goals of creating independent learners who will succeed at the high school and college level.
The intent of tracking engagement is to ensure that students are participating in lessons and learning activities that show their progress toward proficiency and college readiness. Based on this engagement, staff at CMC will be able to adjust their levels of support and guidance for each class. Ultimately, we will continue to build relationships and skills for students so that they will be successful in high school and college.
If students participate in lessons and engage with the learning activities (assignments, projects, videos, reflections etc…), we will be able to assess and build their skills. If they don’t participate in lessons and/or engage with the learning activities, then we don’t have any evidence of their understanding and progress toward college readiness. So, it is very important that they make every attempt to participate in lessons and engage with the learning activities so that we can provide the proper support and guidance.
Below are some important definitions, and frequently asked questions from families regarding student engagement that should provide some clarity. I provided a link to a few videos (a shorter-less detailed and longer version-more detailed) where I address: 1) what is student engagement; 2) how we will track student engagement; 3) where we will track it; 4) when we will track it; 5) what students need to know; 6) what parents need to know? Feel free to watch the video that best explains the engagement process at CMC.
Engagement at CMC- FAQ's
- What is synchronous learning?
Learning happens simultaneously when teachers and students interact in the same space (Google Meet) and time (class schedule). During Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL), synchronous learning is similar to what a traditional class (except done remotely through Google Meet) looks like.
- What is asynchronous learning?
Each student builds understanding with activities connected to the synchronous lesson. These activities could be assignments, videos, projects etc… and are completed during asynchronous learning time (see class schedule). The activities are intended to help students go deeper in their understanding of the lesson.
- What is applied learning?
Students take their learning from instruction and activities, and demonstrate understanding on their own. This is a time for students to explore and deepen their understanding, make connections, and reflect on their successes and struggles with the concepts. This is done individually and on their own.
- What types of engagement will be tracked?
- Synchronous- Participation/engagement in Google Meet during synchronous learning time
- Asynchronous-Participation/engagement on learning activities during asynchronous learning time
- Both Synchronous and Asynchronous-Participation/engagement on learning activities during synchronous and asynchronous learning time
- No contact, no communication-No attempt is made to communicate with instructor
- Communication from parent/guardian-Regarding student’s lack of participation
- Where is student engagement tracked?
When CMC Instructors receive communication or an assignment from a student, they will mark the communication or assignment in Synergy with ONE of the following options:
- Synchronous- Participation/engagement in Google Meet during synchronous learning time
- Asynchronous-Participation/engagement on learning activities during asynchronous learning time
- Both Synchronous and Asynchronous-Participation/engagement on learning activities during synchronous and asynchronous learning time
- No contact, no communication-No attempt is made to communicate with instructor
- Communication from parent/guardian-Regarding student’s lack of participation
- When is student engagement tracked, and how can students/families see if students are engaging with activities in class?
CMC Instructors will track student engagement daily, however (per ODE Guidelines), students have 24 hours to complete daily engagement activities. Because of this, CMC Instructors will update engagement activities in Synergy twice a week.
- The first time will be on Wednesday, and it will reflect student engagement that occurs during synchronous and asynchronous learning on Monday and Tuesday for periods 1-4.
- The second time will be on Monday, and it will reflect student engagement that occurs during synchronous and asynchronous learning from the previous Thursday and Friday for periods 1-4.
- As a parent/guardian, how do I know if my child is engaging and turning in work:
Below are best practices for checking student engagement:
- We will communicate with families (email, phone calls, mailings etc.) if students are demonstrating little to no participation and engagement
- Have your child show you their learning activities in Google Classroom which contains grades, engagement levels, other notes etc… (if students have difficulty getting into Google Classroom, please contact their instructor , and we will get them set up)
- Have your child show you their StudentVue which contains grades, engagement levels, other notes etc… (if students have difficulty logging into StudentVue, please contact Crystal, [email protected], and we will get them set up)
- Another great way to inquire about engagement, grades etc.. would be to contact the instructor during office hours for detailed information.
- Finally, parents/guardians can log into ParentVue. (if you have difficulty logging into ParentVue, please contact Crystal, [email protected], and we will get them set up).
The best days/times to check ParentVue for your child's engagement are:
- Engagement for Monday and Tuesday- Check ParentVue on Thursday and Friday (this follows the ODE Guidelines to allow 24 hours for students to complete learning activities)
- Engagement for Thursday and Friday- Check ParentVue on Tuesday and Wednesday (this follows the ODE Guidelines to allow 24 hours for students to complete learning activities)
- Is CMC tracking excused or unexcused absences?
For emergencies (medical, family issue, etc.), please send in communication (emails, doctor’s notes, etc.) to Crystal [email protected] for school-wide communication and record keeping. However, during CDL, we are tracking student engagement rather than absences for the purposes of providing the necessary support and guidance to each student. If students are unable to participate in a synchronous or asynchronous learning session (see schedule), then it will be necessary for them to communicate with their instructors to inform them of the absence, and get the necessary support and guidance regarding class activities or assignments they will be missing.
- My child is unable to participate with either a synchronous or asynchronous day, what should she do?
If your child knows she will be unable to participate, she should let her teachers know (via email) when/why she will be unable to participate. Then, when able, she should visit her teachers during office hours to get direction on any concepts/activities missed.
- My son is unable to participate during the synchronous session with his teachers, what should he do?
If he knows that he will be unable to participate, he should let his teachers know (via email) when/why he will be unable to participate. Then, when able, he should visit his teachers during office hours to get direction on any concepts/activities missed.
Also, every synchronous session will be recorded, so he should watch the lesson and do any required assignment that is connected to the lesson.
- My daughter is unable to participate during the asynchronous session, what should she do?
If she knows she will be unable to engage in asynchronous learning, she should let her teachers know (via email) when/why she won’t be able to engage in asynchronous learning. Then, when able, she should visit her teachers during office hours to get direction on any concepts/activities missed.
- My child is unable to participate due to an emergency (medical, family issue, etc.), what should she/he do?
For emergencies (medical, family issue, etc.), please send in communication (emails, doctor’s notes, etc.) to Crystal [email protected] for school-wide communication and record keeping. If she/he knows that she/he will be unable to participate, she/he should let her/his teachers know (via email) when/why she/he will be unable to participate. Then, when able, she/he should visit her/his teachers during office hours to get direction on any concepts/activities missed.
- What should my son do if he is unable to participate in 2 or more classes in a week due to an emergency (medical, family issue, etc.)?
For emergencies (medical, family issue, etc.), please send in communication (emails, doctor’s notes, etc.) to Crystal [email protected] for school-wide communication and record keeping. He (when able) should notify his instructors (via email) the days he will be unable to participate/engage, along with reason, so that they can best support him when he returns.
- What if my daughter is unable to participate in 2 or more classes in a week, and it isn’t an emergency?
If she knows she will be unable to participate/engage, she should let her teachers know when/why she will be unable to participate/engage. Then, when able, she should visit her teachers during office hours to get direction on any concepts/activities missed. If lack of participation/engagement results in turning in work late, then she should refer to the late policies of each class missed.
- What’s the criteria for engagement to get into CMC’s College Programs?
As we transition from absences to student engagement, we are currently updating the criteria for selection into our college programs.
Currently, the following criteria are in place for selection into our college programs (any further criteria regarding synchronous and asynchronous engagement may be added/updated and will be communicated to the CMC Community).
- Engagement
- A student is not eligible for nomination if he/she doesn’t engage in synchronous or asynchronous learning for 6 or more days (3 or more in CRS) per term.
- Extenuating circumstances will be taken into consideration (i.e. medical, family emergencies etc).
- In CRS, eligible students will receive a score of 3 or 4 in all indicator areas on the College Readiness Rubric showing the student is demonstrating independent learning skills in CRS. A score of 1 or 2 in any area indicates independent learning hasn’t been reached yet and signifies that continued growth is needed to achieve college readiness.
- When possible, students looking to get into CMC’s College Programs should do all Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Activities in a timely manner, as they may play a part in the nomination/selection process. (For example, a student with B’s in all classes who doesn’t complete or turn in all synchronous or asynchronous learning activities in a timely manner, may not get selected over someone who has B’s in classes, but turns in everything in a timely manner.)
- Engagement
Thanks for your patience, flexibility, and understanding as we move into Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL).
Take care, and stay safe.
Brian Sien, Ed. D.
Clackamas Middle College
[email protected]
Clackamas Middle College
[email protected]