August 3, 2020
Clackamas Middle College Students and Parents,
I hope you are all safely enjoying your summer with family and friends.
I wanted to reach out early in August to provide an update on plans to begin the 2020-2021
school year at Clackamas Middle College (CMC). In order to provide maximum safety to
CMC’s Community, we will begin the 2020-2021 school year with the Comprehensive
Distance Learning (CDL) Model. Students in CMC’s College Programs will continue with
online instruction for college credit during the fall trimester.
As we are learning from other countries and states, any in-person schooling model (students
reporting physically) risks spreading COVID-19. In order to maximize our safety efforts, last
week, Governor Brown set out guidance for school openings across the state. This guidance is
directly connected to three metrics within each community/county: 1) The level of disease
circulation that would be required for return to in-person instruction, 2) Indicators of increased
COVID-19 spread in the community, and 3) Disease spread in the community that would prompt
initiation of Comprehensive Distance Learning. Currently, schools in most counties throughout
the state will begin the school year with Comprehensive Distance Learning Models due to data
from the three metrics. If interested in more information pertaining to the metrics, please visit:
Oregon Reopening Criteria.
At CMC, we will closely monitor the data from the three metrics in Clackamas County.
Throughout the school year, if/when the county metric data shows that it’s safe to offer an in-person
schooling model (students reporting physically) such as the Hybrid Model (students learn
safely in and away from school), families will have the flexibility to choose the best education
model (Comprehensive Distance Learning or Hybrid) for their son/daughter.
In order to minimize distractions during the school year, we are designing both education models
not only to provide families a choice (CDL or Hybrid), but to ensure a seamless transition from
one model to another, if/when it becomes safe to report physically based on county metrics.
not only to provide families a choice (CDL or Hybrid), but to ensure a seamless transition from
one model to another, if/when it becomes safe to report physically based on county metrics.
Next week, I will be submitting Comprehensive Distance Learning plans to the Oregon
Department of Education (ODE), North Clackamas School District, Clackamas County, and the
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to ensure a safe and successful school year. These plans are
being created with the main goals of ensuring safety and equity of our CMC Community.
This summer, I was able to review the feedback from students, staff, and families regarding: the
spring trimester from last school year, and both the Comprehensive Distance Learning, and the
Hybrid Models. Thank you for providing this valuable feedback!
Department of Education (ODE), North Clackamas School District, Clackamas County, and the
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to ensure a safe and successful school year. These plans are
being created with the main goals of ensuring safety and equity of our CMC Community.
This summer, I was able to review the feedback from students, staff, and families regarding: the
spring trimester from last school year, and both the Comprehensive Distance Learning, and the
Hybrid Models. Thank you for providing this valuable feedback!
Based on this feedback, our Comprehensive Distance Learning Model to begin the 2020-2021
school year will include:
school year will include:
- Community Building and Communication with all Members of the CMC Community
- Build and prioritize a sense of community, culture and digital competency
- Check-in on well-being and emotional health of students and staff
- Establishment of a Predictable Schedule and Meeting Times
- Clear Expectations and Boundaries for Communication
- A Plan for Office Hours and Tech Support
- Multiple Platforms to Communicate
- Parent and Student Tech Training
- Instructional Design
- Staff Collaboration
- "Face-To-Face” (via Zoom or Google Meet) Time for Active Learning (Class Time and Student Group Time)
- Simplify Content/Technology and Slow Down Pacing
- Instructions are Easy to Find, Explicit, and Multi-Modal
- Provide Verbal and Written Feedback
- Student Work Focused on Creation of Real-World Projects
We are committed to provide the best possible education to our students. Your feedback from
spring and summer will ensure that our Comprehensive Distance Learning Model will be much
improved from the spring term for all students.
spring and summer will ensure that our Comprehensive Distance Learning Model will be much
improved from the spring term for all students.
I will send out more detailed information pertaining to the school year (monitoring of metrics,
calendar, orientations, trainings, schedules etc…) later in August.
calendar, orientations, trainings, schedules etc…) later in August.
Take care, stay safe, and enjoy the rest of your summer!
Brian Sien, Ed.D.
Clackamas Middle College
Clackamas Middle College