Attn Class of 2026 - Feb. 21st - Feb. 25th - SAT Registration Info for the March 8th SAT Test Date

Attn Class of 2026 - Feb. 21st - Feb. 25th - SAT Registration Info for the March 8th SAT Test Date

Hello Class of 2026!

If your post-graduation plans include applying to 4-year colleges and universities, please make sure to check under their admissions requirements to see if they require SAT or ACT test scores for admissions or scholarship opportunities for the incoming class of Fall 2026. If the colleges you are planning to apply to require the SAT or ACT as part of the admissions process, please see the upcoming dates for the SAT or ACT below. Talk with your CMC counselor if you believe you will qualify for a fee waiver (i.e. eligible for free/reduced lunch, etc) to take the SAT or ACT for free! Resources for preparing for these exams are also included at the bottom of this email. As always, please reach out to your counselor if you have any questions about this process. 

Link to Register for the SAT and Testing Dates: 


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