Oregon Goes to College Application Day - CMC Commons - See Info Below

Oregon Goes to College Application Day - CMC Commons - See Info Below
1/22/2025, 10:00 AM 1:00 PM

��  ATTENTION CLASS OF 2025!!!  ��

Welcome to week two of winter term!! We know that many of you are working on your college applications, financial aid applications (i.e. FAFSA, Oregon Promise, etc) and scholarships during this time! We are holding an event at CMC on Wednesday, January 22nd to support you in either completing your applications or to take that first step in getting started wherever you are in the process of getting ready for life after high school!! There are some important deadlines coming up in February and March for colleges and scholarships - Let us help you cross your applications off your "to-do" list!

Date: Wednesday, January 22nd
Location: CMC Commons
Time: 10am - 1pm

Graduating students are strongly encouraged to attend - we will have all counselors available as well as admissions reps from CCC & PCC to help with your application questions! Students can drop in anytime during the event (no appointment is needed) and make sure to bring your computer or Chromebook.  Light refreshments will be provided and if needed, you will be excused from your CMC classes to attend and receive help in completing these important tasks.  Any student who attends and/or completes the below tasks will be given multiple raffle prize entries for $25 gift card rewards!! Students who complete their financial aid applications (FAFSA/ORSAA) and other applications will be eligible to apply for 2 new CMC scholarship opportunities for $250 each - to be awarded this Spring prior to graduation!! More info coming about how to apply to these new scholarships coming soon!!

ALREADY DONE?? If you have already completed your FAFSA, College Applications, Oregon Promise or other scholarships we will be recognizing your efforts too!! Any student who has completed any applications will be given raffle prize entries for a drawing for $25 gift cards!! We'll be tracking your progress and adding raffle prize entries for every task that you complete! Be sure to let your counselor know if you completed any applications we may not know about :) 

How to earn raffle prize entries!!!                                                                              

��  Attending CMC's Oregon Goes to College Application Day Event (1 entry)
��  Complete the Common Application or apply directly to colleges (1 entry)
��  Complete the FAFSA or ORSAA (1 entry)
��   Complete the Oregon Promise Application (1 entry)
��   Complete the OSAC Scholarship or other scholarship applications (1 entry)
��   Applying for a job or volunteering position (1 entry)
��   Enlisting with a branch in the military (1 entry)

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