Ice Skating Field Trip - See Reminders Below - Perm. Slip Attached - It is Required - Bring Can Food Donation for your Ticket to Skating

Ice Skating Field Trip - See Reminders Below - Perm. Slip Attached - It is Required - Bring Can Food Donation for your Ticket to Skating

The permission slip is attached 
(Also on Crystals Desk). 
It is required along with a Food Donation 
(for CMC food drive) 
for an Ice Skating Ticket

�� Students can NOT drive on their own and must take the bus with the school �� 

 ��Dress warm, it is cold in the Ice Skating Rink, and wear socks ��

�� We will return to CMC around 1:00pm - If you have parent permission to leave for the dayyou may do so, BUT please have your parent/guardian email Crystal or call to give verbal permission. ��

�� Happy Holidays - Enjoy your break - School Resumes Monday, Jan. 6, 2025 ����

�� Be sure to check the lost & found & Please take your food items out of the refrigerator. ����

 �� Final Report Cards for Trimester 1 will be viewable on ParentVue and StudentVue by Friday evening, Dec. 20th. ��️

  �� Be sure to RETURN your Pathways Textbooks - to avoid a charge ����before we leave for the Field Trip ��

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