Virtual College and Career Fair - For 11th grade students not taking the PSAT, along with 12th grade students - See Link & Letter Attached

Virtual College and Career Fair - For 11th grade students not taking the PSAT, along with 12th grade students - See Link & Letter Attached
10/9/2024, 9:30 AM 3:30 PM

October 2, 2024


Clackamas Middle College Students and Parents,


On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, Clackamas Middle College (CMC) will be offering a College and Career Awareness Day for students.  This will be a half-day from 8:50am until 11:50am.  We want to ensure that our students are focused on college and careers, and this day will help set the tone for the remainder of the school year.  There will be college and career planning opportunities for all students in grades 9-12.  We will provide breakfast snacks and beverages (juices, water etc.) for students participating in this event. 


Students in grades 9 and 10 will be taking the Pre-ACT for college and career planning.  The Pre-ACT is a nationally normed college entrance practice exam available to all 9th and 10th grade students enrolled at CMC.  The Pre-ACT test will provide students, teachers, and parents with information about students’ readiness for college or advanced coursework, possible career options, and major fields of study to consider.


We will also be offering the PSAT to 11th grade students interested in taking the test.  The PSAT awards the top 1% of test takers with the recognition of being a National Merit Scholar.  From that group, about ½ of those that qualify as a National Merit Scholar also qualify for a scholarship from the College Board. There is no access to the PSAT outside of schools, so it is with that in mind that we are happy to proctor the exam for those that volunteer to participate. We have a limited number of tests, so 11th graders interested in taking the PSAT, please contact CMC Counselors to sign up.  


For 11th grade students not taking the PSAT, along with 12th grade students, NCSD will be hosting a Virtual College and Career Fair from 9:30am-3:30pm. Information and Zoom links can be found at this link:  Virtual College and Career Fair.  CMC students in grades 11 and 12 not testing, should attend these virtual sessions as the information is important for college and career awareness and planning.


To accommodate these testing opportunities, Wednesday, October 9th will be a special day at CMC. 

  • All freshman, sophomores, and interested juniors will be testing (Pre-ACT/PSAT) from 8:50am-11:50am.  Interested juniors should contact their counselor to sign up for the PSAT as test numbers are limited. *(Buses will be on a regular schedule in the morning and pick students up at CMC at 11:50am to take students to their boundary high schools where they will catch their regular buses home)
  • Juniors and seniors not testing will have a variety of college and career planning sessions to attend virtually.  Information and Zoom links can be found on the 2nd page of this letter.
  • Sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are in the Pathways and CEO Programs will be expected to attend all college courses.


This is an exciting and important day for our students as they navigate the world of college and careers.  Your help and support in making this day a success is greatly appreciated.



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