New Spring CDL / Hybrid Schedule Begins for CMC - See Letters Below & Schedule Attached
- What
- New Spring CDL / Hybrid Schedule Begins for CMC - See Letters Below & Schedule Attached
- When
- 4/26/2021
Letter for Students Coming to CMC for Hybrid starting on Monday, April 26th:
Clackamas Middle College (CMC) Family/Student,
We want to thank you for completing the Clackamas Middle College Family Survey-Educational Models for Spring Term Survey. Your survey results indicated that you would like to transition to Hybrid Learning for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year; beginning on Monday, April 26th.
Because you selected a transition to Hybrid Learning for the remainder of the school year, (beginning on Monday, April 26th), here are some things to keep in mind in order to complete a successful Spring Trimester:
- If you live within the district boundaries, and need information on busing to CMC, please contact:
- Hybrid classes will begin on Monday, April 26th
- Hybrid classes will begin at 12:45pm and end at 3:10pm
- Hybrid classes will be offered on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays
- CMC will keep the 6 feet social distancing requirement when possible.
- Families may continue to receive weekly meal deliveries either by delivery or by pick up at select locations; more information about meals, please contact:
- If you bring a backpack, you will carry it with you to your classes
- Students should bring their provided Chromebook, or their own computer device with them to school daily. Please make sure it is fully charged and bring the charger. Only a few devices will be available at school to loan each day.
- Bring a water bottle if needed
- There will be no lunchtime when students arrive. Please eat prior to coming to CMC
- Students will be required to wear a mask at all times while at CMC. If you don’t have one, CMC will provide you with one.
- See schedule attached…
Because you chose to transition to the Hybrid Model, learning at CMC will be partially online (mornings), and partially in-person (afternoons). As mentioned above students transition to Hybrid Learning will come in-person (afternoons) four days/week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday).
On Wednesdays, we will continue the same schedule as we have done throughout the year. Students will report to their College Readiness Seminar Class (synchronous) from 10:15-11:15am, and if students need any extra support or guidance, office hours are open from 11:15-11:45am. The rest of the day on Wednesdays will be for applied learning, club activity, teacher planning, community check-ins, office hours, and Limited In-Person Instruction (LIPI) for selected students. For optimum success, please keep the following in mind:
- Follow up on any absences with your instructor to get the information/material missed.
- Review the due dates for work in each class, and make sure to turn in work on time.
- If you can’t turn in your work on time (or at all) for some reason, please let your instructors know.
- If you don’t understand something, or need some help in a class, stay after for office hours. Office hours are scheduled immediately after synchronous classes in the morning.
- If you need help with homework, or getting started with an assignment, please make arrangements with your instructors to meet during asynchronous hours in the afternoon for additional help.
- If you have a question with your schedule, please make an appointment with your counselor.
We wish you success for the remainder of the term. Don’t hesitate to reach out to CMC staff if you need anything.
At Clackamas Middle College, we are very proud to have you here, and want to thank you for your flexibility and patience during a very difficult school year.
Clackamas Middle College (CMC) Family/Student,
We want to thank you for completing the Clackamas Middle College Family Survey-Educational Models for Spring Term Survey. Your survey results indicated that you would like to remain in Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL), for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.
Because you selected to remain in CDL for the remainder of the school year, there will be no change to your schedule. In order to complete a successful Spring Trimester, please keep the following in mind:
- Communicate any absences to your instructors either before or when they occur.
- Follow up on any absences with your instructor to get the information/material missed.
- Review the due dates for work in each class, and make sure to turn in work on time.
- If you can’t turn in your work on time (or at all) for some reason, please let your instructors know.
- If you don’t understand something, or need some help in a class, stay after for office hours. Office hours are scheduled immediately after synchronous classes in the morning.
- If you need help with homework, or getting started with an assignment, please make arrangements with your instructors to meet during asynchronous hours in the afternoon for additional help.
- If you have a question with your schedule, please make an appointment with your counselor.
We wish you success for the remainder of the term. Don’t hesitate to reach out to CMC staff if you need anything.
At Clackamas Middle College, we are very proud to have you here, and want to thank you for your flexibility and patience during a very difficult school year.
- Spring Schedule-4-26 _1_ _1_.pdf 71.91 KB
- Students Remaining in CDL.pdf 210.93 KB
- Students Transitioning to Hybrid Learning.pdf 261.42 KB