Language Assessment Virtual Test Date (STAMP & WorldSpeak) 11th & 12th - Flyers Attached
- What
- Language Assessment Virtual Test Date (STAMP & WorldSpeak) 11th & 12th - Flyers Attached
- When
- 2/10/2021
STAMP assessment : Arabic, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin/ Cantonese (simplified and traditional), Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish
WorldSpeak assessment: Amharic, Armenian, Chin (Hakha), Chuukese, Czech, Filipino (Tagalog), Haitian-Creole, Hmong, Ilocano, Marathi, Marshallese, Samoan, Somali Maay Maay, Somali Maxaa, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, Yup’ic
The STAMP (STAndards-Based Measurement of Proficiency) and the WorldSpeak assessments are proficiency-based assessments that award students up to 4 high school elective credits (AR) for knowledge of a language other than English. In conjunction with meeting the Essential Skills of reading and writing in English, students are able to use the language assessments to demonstrate literacy in a partner language and fulfill the requirements to earn the State Seal of Biliteracy at graduation. The Essential Skills in reading and writing requirement is currently suspended for graduates pursuing the Biliteracy Seal during CDL.
More information, including practice tests on the STAMP and World Speak :
In order to streamline our process of registration, the student or student's parents/guardians must Register Online:
- STAMP - 2020_2021 Sp.pdf 147.27 KB
- STAMP WorldSpeak - 2020_2021 Sp.pdf 146.86 KB
- stamp_brochure_rev_6-27-2019-ru.pdf 2.96 MB
- STAMP_WorldSpeak - 2020_2021.pdf 98.60 KB