Class of 2019 - Graduates - Your Slideshow pictures & quote are DUE May 3rd, email to - No exceptions - See Attached for directions

Class of 2019 - Graduates - Your Slideshow pictures & quote are DUE May 3rd, email to - No exceptions - See Attached for directions

Our CMC Graduation Ceremony on May 30th is less than 8 weeks away!! Here are some IMPORTANT reminders for graduates!

Please be in communication with your Counselor during these weeks leading up to graduation. To participate in the ceremony and walk at graduation, all should have passing grades by May 17th and if summer school is needed, you must be registered.

Your cap and gown should be ordered, the due date was April 1st. They will be delivered to CMC soon and I will email you when they arrive so that you can pick them up BEFORE Graduation. I am not sure if Jostens will take late orders but if needed call Jostens ASAP 1-503-723-8006. You need to have a cap and gown to walk at graduation.  

Next deadline is Friday, May 3rd for the graduation slideshow. Please see attached and email your 3 photos and quote (35 words or less, photos need to be jpeg files, 3/5 or larger, no thumbnails, no screenshot photos please, email only, no originals) email to by May 3rd.  If you do not send in any photos or a quote, it will be only your name displayed on the slideshow at graduation when you walk across the stage.

Please complete the following survey if you have not done so yet. This is required whether you plan to walk or not.

Yearbooks can be ordered at:

Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal will be on Thursday, May 30th at 12:00pm at Rolling Hills Community Church. If you need transportation to the rehearsal a bus will depart CMC at 11:45am and return you to CMC at 2:30pm. 

Please be at Rolling Hills Community Church on May 30th at 6:15pm. We will take our graduation group photo at 6:30pm and line up to walk at 6:45pm.  Graduation will start promptly at 7:00pm. The doors will be shut then to avoid any disruptions during graduation, please remind your family to be there by 7:00pm and no blow horns, confetti, or balloons will be allowed in the church, they can be kept in your family's vehicles until after graduation.

No tickets are necessary for admission, each graduate will be able to have unlimited guests attend. 

I am looking forward to celebrating this special moment with you all! Please let me know if you have any questions. 

 Crystal Eschweiler

CMC Registrar



Submit your quote along with 3 pictures by email to  We cannot accept screenshot photos.

Deadline: May 3rd, 2019

Submit three photos, actual photographs or jpeg files. 3x5 or larger, no thumbnails, no screenshot photos, please. Select photos from different stages of your life, or that highlight your interests. Here are a couple of good examples from a previous graduation ceremony:

Your quote can be a personal thank you, a song lyric, or an actual quotation from someone you admire. If it is a quote from another person, let us know the source. 35 words or less, please. Please write your name and quote on the back of this page or on your email to


“You helped me through hard times and pushed me to make it to where I am today. Thank you so much Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, and Mrs. Steere for all you have done.”


“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”  -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Name: ___________________________________________


Quote: (35 words or less)



Electronic photos and quotes can be sent to Be sure to include your name and phone number in your email.  No originals please, no thumbnails, no screenshot photos, email only. 

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