11th & 12th Graders - College Visit - OSU & UO - See Info. Below - (Sign up required) Permission Slips are attached & on Crystals Desk - Return to Kami - First Come First Serve
- What
- 11th & 12th Graders - College Visit - OSU & UO - See Info. Below - (Sign up required) Permission Slips are attached & on Crystals Desk - Return to Kami - First Come First Serve
- When
- 11/2/2018, 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Hello CMC 11th and 12th grade students and parents,
Happy Wednesday!
On Friday, November 2nd, 2018, CMC will take a bus load of students down to the University of Oregon campus in Eugene and the Oregon State University campus in Corvallis to participate in a campus visit / tour. Students will need to find a ride to CMC and home from CMC since there is no school that day. Here is the schedule:
7:00 am: Bus leaves at CMC - DON’T BE LATE!!!
9:00 am: Bus arrives at UO
9:00 am: Campus Tour
10:30: Admissions Presentation
11:00 am: Lunch on Campus
12:00 pm: Bus leaves UO for OSU
1:00 pm: Bus arrives at OSU for Check In
1:15 pm: Admissions Presentation
1:45 pm: Student Panel
2:00 pm: Campus Tour
3:30 / 4:00 pm: Bus leaves for CMC
5:30 / 6:00 pm: Bus arrives at CMC
Permission forms will be available at Crystal's desk as well as attached to this email. The first 50 students to return their completed permission form will have a spot on the bus. Permission slips are due no later than Tuesday, October 30th.
Small backpack or bag
Raincoat / umbrella
Water bottle
Lunch or money to buy lunch
Snacks or money to buy snacks
We need 3 additional adults as chaperones for 50 students. Please email Kami if you would like to volunteer and join us for the day. It will be an awesome experience!
Please let us know if you have any questions at all. Thanks,