Feb. 2nd is a PSU Field Trip for Juniors & Seniors - First 50 students to return permission slip (attached) will have a spot on the bust - See below for more details, permission slip attached
- What
- Feb. 2nd is a PSU Field Trip for Juniors & Seniors - First 50 students to return permission slip (attached) will have a spot on the bust - See below for more details, permission slip attached
- When
- 1/31/2018
Hello CMC Juniors and Seniors!
We will be taking a group of 11th & 12th grade students to visit Portland State University in downtown Portland on Friday, February 2nd from 9:00am - 1:00pm for a campus tour and information session. This is a non-school day for CMC students so you will have to provide your own transportation to and from CMC that day. We will provide district bus transportation to and from the PSU campus. We hope you take this opportunity to explore PSU's beautiful campus and learn more about what they have to offer!
Here is the timeline for the day:
8:45 am - 9:00 am: Bus arrives at CMC
9:00 am: Bus leaves CMC
9:30 am: Bus arrives at PSU
9:30 am - 10:15 am: Campus Tour
10:15 am: Check In
10:30 am - 11:00 am: Admissions Information Session
11:00 am - 11:30 am: Campus Scavenger Hunt
11:30 am - 12:30 pm: Lunch on your own (bring money or a packed lunch)
12:30 pm: Bus leaves PSU
1:00 pm: Bus arrives at CMC
Please see attached permission slip and details about the trip or pick up a permission slip in Karyn Renehan's office. The first 50 students to return completed permission slips will have a spot on the bus!
Thanks and please contact me with any questions,
- PSU Campus Visit Permission Slip.pdf 625.14 KB