Smarter Balanced Testing (English/Language Arts) for Juniors / No School for CMC grades 9th, 10th & 12th. (CCC is open)

Smarter Balanced Testing (English/Language Arts) for Juniors / No School for CMC grades 9th, 10th & 12th. (CCC is open)

May 11, 2017


Clackamas Middle College Students and Parents,


I wanted to reach out to you as a reminder that next Friday, May 19th; we will be administering the final part of the Oregon Smarter Balanced State Assessment in English/language arts to all juniors enrolled in Clackamas Middle College.  This is the last opportunity this year for juniors to complete important graduation requirements.  Graduating seniors who have testing or work samples remaining for graduation will need to attend these days as well.    


I also would like to let you know that the assessment in mathematics on Friday, May 5th was a huge success.  We had 90% participation from our juniors, and we are looking to increase this for next Friday’s assessment in reading and writing.  We also had a significant number of seniors who completed some, if not all of their testing and/or work samples.


These assessments help to show the level of effectiveness of our instructional programs and how they connect to state standards.  This will help our staff improve our services and supports to our students to ensure success in our college programs.


Administering this test on Friday, May 19th, allows us to ensure:

·         Fair and equitable testing for each student

·         Standardized test administration so that the testing environment is similar for all students

·         Test security and student confidentiality practices

·         Test validity and accuracy

·         Efficiency to minimize the burden for students, teachers, and school test coordinators


If you are a junior in any of our programs at CMC, plan on being here for the full day from 8:50am-2:50pm on Friday, May 19th.  Prior to the first activity, we will be providing breakfast snacks and beverages.  We also will be providing lunch to those who are interested prior to our testing in the afternoon.  Lunch will be from 11:30-12:30pm and the second session will begin at 12:30pm.  As mentioned above, graduating seniors who have testing or work samples remaining for graduation will need to attend these days as well.   


Thank you for your understanding and patience during these days as we prepare to wrap up another successful school year!


Yearbooks are now available; you will need to order it online! Follow the link below to place your order. Please keep in mind it takes a few weeks for delivery, so order now or ASAP to ensure it will be here for the celebration day on May 26th.

Yearbooks are available at the following site.



Brian Sien, Ed.D.Signature

Clackamas Middle College

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