2017 Holiday Food Box Delivery - If your family is in need of support please complete the attached form and return to Crystal or Kami. Deadline is Dec. 5th. The first 400 NCSD families to respond will receive a food box. Please see below & attached form.

2017 Holiday Food Box Delivery - If your family is in need of support please complete the attached form and return to Crystal or Kami. Deadline is Dec. 5th. The first 400 NCSD families to respond will receive a food box. Please see below & attached form.

Hello CMC Families,

The North Clackamas Wichita Family Center is working with the Lions/Elks Club to provide 400 families with holiday food box delivery this holiday season.

If your family is in need of support, please complete the "2017 Holiday Food Box Request" form (attached). Hard copies are available at CMC in Kami's office.

The first 400 forms will receive a food box.

The request form deadline is Tuesday, December 5th.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.


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