11th & 12th Grade Students - Permission Slip Attached (Due Oct. 21st) for Oregon State University Campus Tour - See Agenda Below - The first 40 students to return their completed permission form will have a spot on the bus. Permission slips are due no later than Friday, October 21st.

11th & 12th Grade Students - Permission Slip Attached (Due Oct. 21st) for Oregon State University Campus Tour - See Agenda Below - The first 40 students to return their completed permission form will have a spot on the bus. Permission slips are due no later than Friday, October 21st.

Hello CMC 11th and 12th grade students and parents,

On Friday, October 27th, CMC will take a bus load of students down to the Oregon State University campus in Corvallis, Oregon to participate in a campus visit / tour. Students will need to find a ride to CMC and home from CMC since our departure and arrival times are outside the normal school day. Here is the schedule:

7:15 am: Bus arrives at CMC
7:30 am: Bus leaves CMC
9:00am - 9:30 am: Bus arrives at OSU
9:45 am: Check In
10:00 am: Campus Tour
11:00 am: Admissions Information Session
11:30 am: Student Panel
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Lunch on your own – Choose from a number of on-campus dining locations
1:00 pm: Bus leaves OSU
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Bus arrives at CMC

Permission forms will be available at Crystal's desk as well as attached to this email. The first 40 students to return their completed permission form will have a spot on the bus. Permission slips are due no later than Friday, October 21st. Make sure to also document your “program of study” interest area (i.e. business, engineering, psychology, etc) on the bottom of the permission form in the space provided.

What to bring:
Small backpack or bag
Raincoat / umbrella
Water bottle
Lunch or money to buy lunch

Also, we need at least 1 parent chaperone...2 would be great! Please email me if you would like to volunteer as a chaperone and join us on this field trip.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all. Thanks,


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