End of Term Celebration Day! Click for more information. Click link for Permission Slip.
- What
- End of Term Celebration Day! Click for more information. Click link for Permission Slip.
- When
- 12/17/2015
Dear Parent or Guardian,
As we close out on a very successful fall trimester, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some special activities we are planning at Clackamas Middle College to celebrate all of the hard work put into the term by our students and staff.
On Thursday, December 17th, we will be taking our students ice skating. We will board buses at 9:15am and head to the Lloyd Center where students will be able to ice skate for a few hours, have lunch, and return to Clackamas Middle College in the afternoon for an awards ceremony at 2:15pm. The school will cover the costs of ice skating along with the busing. Students should either bring a lunch or money for lunch while we are at the Lloyd Center.
We would like all students to participate in all of the special activities planned for this day. If you don’t want your son/daughter to participate, we will have an alternate assignment for them as they remain at Clackamas Middle College on Thursday morning.
I would also like to let you know that there will be no school for students on Friday, December 18, 2015 as teachers prepare final grades for the fall trimester.
Please indicate your choice, sign below and have your son/daughter return this form to their CMC advisor.
Thank you for your consideration, and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.