Parent / Teacher Conferences

Parent / Teacher Conferences
10/30/2015, 12:30 PM 3:30 PM

Clackamas Middle College Families,

Clackamas Middle College will host its annual Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 29th, from 3:30pm-7:00pm at Clackamas Middle College.  Teachers are also available on Friday, October 30th from 12:30-3:30pm.  These dates are for families of students in all of CMC’s programs.  We will have CMC counselors, teachers, and other staff members available to answer any questions you might have.

The purpose of this conference is to increase your understanding of your son’s/daughter’s journey during the 2015-2016 school year.  As we go through this process together, please feel free to ask any questions or voice any concerns you may have about your son’s/daughter’s progress. 

When you arrive at CMC, we will give you a schedule of classes your son/daughter is taking and we will direct you to their teacher’s rooms, or if he/she is in one of our college programs, we will direct you to their counselor. There will be a sign-up list at each staff member’s door to respect everyone’s time. 

These days are very important to your son’s/daughter’s education.  We are looking forward to the conference and working with you to ensure the success of your son/daughter. 

If you cannot attend during the times listed above, please feel free to contact your son/daughter’s teachers/counselors via email or phone with your questions/concerns.

Another reminder for you is that there will be no school for students in CMC’s College Prep Program during these conference days of Thursday, October 29th and Friday, October 30th. Students who are in the Pathways to College/Careers Program or the College Extended Options Program will still be required to attend their college classes.

Thank you for your time and we wish you the best this school year!

Brian Sien, Ed. D


Clackamas Middle College

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