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Why Students Should Start Thinking About College Sooner Than Later

If you are looking to make the most out of your senior year and facilitate a smooth transition into college, our advice is to start early! There are many benefits to thinking about your college decision before your senior year, including lower stress, increased college options, and overall more enjoyment of the admissions process.


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About Us

To build a successful college-ready culture, 94% of students reported that CMC fosters a climate of respect and fairness; and 90% of students feel CMC prepared them for college and careers (national percentile rankings-YouthTruth).  CMC also leads our district with a graduation rate of 96%.  Last year, we saved our families almost $500,000 in community college savings, and near $1.5 million in state university tuition.  We are a solid choice for many families in the Portland Metro Area.

At A Glance

  • 94% CMC Fosters a Climate of Respect and Fairness (YouthTruth Student Survey)
    (National Percentile Rank)
  • 90% The Degree to which CMC Students Feel Equipped to Pursue College and Careers (YouthTruth Student Survey)
    (National Percentile Rank)
  • 96% Graduation Rate
  • 70 Average Number of College Credits Per Graduate Since 2009
  • $475,000
    & $1.3 Mil.
    Yearly Community College and State University Savings for Families
    (Per Graduating Class)